"Old Bloodlines...
New Beginnings"
The Morgans of Endeavor
"The essential joy
of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with rare elements
of grace, beauty, spirit and fire."
- Oliver Wendall Holmes -
From the beginning, our
focus has always been quality, not quantity. We
hand raise our foals to be pretty, people pleasing and athletic. We
personally refine and nurture our foals so they will be noticed in the
show ring. We strive to place them in relationships where the horse and
owner will connect with each other--simpatico con caballo.
At Endeavor, we invest a
great deal of time with each foal--creating
handcrafted champions. This hands-on philosophy is the heart of
Endeavor and the reason why we only raise one or two foals a year.
7846 Village Road -
Parker, Colorado